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Silent Saturday

April 9, 2023

Holy Week

We all are very familiar with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter morning but less familiar with ”Silent Saturday.”

Silent Saturday is the day that Jesus’ followers went home and rested because it was the Sabbath (Luke 23:55-56). They observantly rested or ceased from any work but surely this lack of activity just increased their sorrow and grief; their Master and Teacher was dead and the silence was deafening.

But Silent Saturday is only silent from our perspective….we are doing nothing…..Jesus is doing everything……The Apostle’s Creed says “he descended into hell.” This descent has been explained as “Harrowing Hell.” This “Harrowing of Hell” is Jesus’ work when all seems silent. Jesus said in Revelation 1:17-18: “I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the Keys to Death and Hades.” Saturday was anything but silent in the work of Jesus.

On this Silent Saturday I encourage you to pause and accept that even though it may not seem like God is doing anything in your life do NOT give into that notion…..God is active in our behalf…….Remember Silent Saturday and rejoice that our God is working when we are completely unaware of HIs actions.

Rest on “this Sabbath” and Silent Saturday in anticipation of God’s Resurrection power.

Happy Easter