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Wesley's View of Faith (2)

August 19, 2024

In our continued discussion of John Wesley's view of faith we must consult what Christian orthodoxy asserts. Wesley is no innovator in this matter but a faithful adherent to orthodox belief.

First, faith has the feature of notitia. Notitia is the idea that one has some notion or understanding of what is to be believed. This feature suggests that Faith is no "leap in the dark" but based on some level of knowing.

Jesus encouraged his followers to believe what they know from what he says or "else believe on account of the works themselves (John 14:11)." In other words, believe the evidence you see in my words or my works.

Faith must begin with this feature: notitia. There must be some content that calls forth some belief or one is simply wishing. Romans 10:17 informs us that faith occurs because of hearing the word about Christ. Here I the notitia.....some content to believe!!

REFLECT: Is your faith based upon some form of "notitia" or content? How could you share this with someone this week?