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John Wesley's Passing

March 6, 2025

March 2 was the commemoration of John Wesley's death Wesley's death at age 88 years old in 1791. This meant that John Wesley lived most of the 18th century; a century of the industrial revolution and the revolutions of America and France began.

While living almost the entire 18th century Wesley also participated in a revolution of sorts. John Wesley and others participated in a revolution of religion in England and the New World of America. It was John Wesley, Charles Wesley, George Whitefiled, and William Morgan that were the first Methodists (being members of "The Holy Club" @ Oxford). This group of 4 began to grow in numbers as their vibrant faith attracted and converted many nominal members of the Anglican Church of England. These 4 men were part of the incredible experience of Methodism that, perhaps, contributed to a revolution of the religious world of the 18th century.

At John Wesley's death he had outlived the 3 other members of The Holy Club. But the influence of Wesley and his 3 friends had brought the number of people identified as Methodists from 4 to 72,000 in the British Isles and 60,000 in America. In addition to these numbers there were over 500 Methodist preachers throughout the British colonies and the United States.

What a life that John Wesley lived. What a model of the influence by friends who are committed to spritual growth. What an example of one being part of something that will outlive oneself.

REFLECT: In what are you participating that will last beyond your life? Or, what friends do you have in your life that are helping you to grow in your faith and practice of following Jesus? These are important and potentially revolutionizing questions for our lives.