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Social Holiness

February 19, 2024

Social Holiness

With The New Room constructed Wesley was intent on providing what is often consider social ministry that was listed in the last blog as well as means for personal spiritual growth among those experiencing conversion.

Personal spiritual growth, for Wesley, was always understood as a communal in nature. Wesley famously stated 'all holiness is social in nature (Preface of Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1739).' So, any approach to spiritual grown would be communal in nature.

As a consequence Wesley appropriated the formation of Societies as an already established method in England. Societies were an organizing of groups of people who shared a common interest. England had several Societies ranging from The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to the Society for the Reformation of Manners.

Wesley organizes a Society in Bristol of those interested in spiritual growth. This approach incorporated the use of large meetings for instruction and small meetings for people to bear their specific concerns with others.

Reflection: How are you approaching growth in your spiritual life that is communal in nature? How can you begin to be a part of a community that has spiritual growth as its goal?