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Groups Need Guidance

March 27, 2024

It is likely that we all have been a part of a small group. These groups might range from work to one's participation in a religious order. Whatever the case many of us have experienced what we would call an effective group and what we would call an ineffective group. These 2 experiences usually are due to the level of leadership.

John Wesley, and his organizational tendencies, would not allow for groups to be ineffective if he could help it. This is why Wesley designed a series of questions to be asked each week in Class meeting of 10-12 members (see questions below). In addition leaders of the class meeting were tasked with visiting the members at least once a week and ask each "how does your soul prosper?" And finally, the members of the Class meeting were to contribute a penny for the poor.

Here one sees guidance for groups to be well ordered in their personal growth and outreach. Groups with this sort of guidance for internal growth of the members and external concern for others seem to thrive where other groups fail.

Reflection: Are you part of a group that encourages personal growth and concern for others?


  1. Am I a slave to dress, friends, work or habits?

  2. Am I self-conscious, self-pitying or self-justifying?

  3. Did the Bible live in me today?

  4. Am I enjoying prayer?

  5. Do I pray about the money I spend?

  6. Do I get to bed on time and get up on time?
