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Field Preaching

November 6, 2023

Wesley’s upbringing and training for the Anglican priesthood, gives some insight into his being a “company man.”  Wesley valued the Anglican liturgy, its 39 Articles of belief, and never left the church that left him by forbidding him in most places to preach. 

Wesley was committed to preaching the Good News to all who would hear but found himself without a church or pulpit. What was a good "churchman" to do?

Wesley is encouraged by his friend and former member of the Oxford Holy Club, George Whitefiled, to join him in his field-preaching.  Whitefiled had become a popular field preaching both in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and America. Wesley records in his journal that this was a strange thing for him to consider. and took some time for him to participate

Field-preaching was looked upon with suspicion by many of the Anglican pastors and leaders of the day.  One might suggest that one reason for this suspicion is that field-preachers drew large crowds that the local parish pastor did not.


How have friends in your life helped you to be involved in ministry? Give a call, text, or email and thank them.....or maybe even take them to lunch and express your thanks.