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Rope of Sand

January 22, 2024

In previous blogs, the work of preaching in the fields caused many people in Kingswood and Bristol to respond to a life transforming message of The Gospel. And since George Whitefield was leaving for a new campaign of preaching in what was to be the United States he "turned over" the work to John Wesley.

Wesley's method of organizing and developing awakened people into small groups for nurture and growth was simply a method he had experienced with the small group at Oxford (The Holy Club) and of which George Whitefield was a member.

What is curious is that Whitefield continued to preach and reach thousands in America and The United Kingdom but he did not organize any method for nurture. It is reported that he confessed that his work was a "rope of sand." (Seedbed.com; July 28, 2023)

Reflection 1--How important is organization and structure to your view of ministry? 2--What ways could organizing your ministry prove more productive